Rigid heddle looms produce plain weave cloth on a fun and portable loom. Students will weave a project of their choice (maximum 10” wide) during Open Studio time. Students will learn to warp the loom using the direct warping method. Students will return as often as needed to weave the scarf. When finished, students will take the project off the loom, sewing or twisting fringe, and learning how to wash and finish the project. Schacht Cricket Looms will be provided for student's use.
Perfect for a beginner - no experience necessary.
Individual Schedule Cost - $140.00 plus materials
- Students can choose which day and hours when the studio is open to come for their lessons. All 9 hours of instruction (3 3-hour lessons) must be paid for in advance and used within 5 consecutive weeks or forfeited. A student needs at least 3-hours to warp the loom. Once weaving, students may come to the studio for less than 3 hours until the scarf is woven.
Weave a Scarf on a Cricket Rigid Heddle Loom